The Qualitative Study of Sustainable Sports Development in Iranian Football Clubs: a Boolean Comparative Study

Document Type : Original Article


1 Phd of Sport Management, Management Faculty, Farabi Campus, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Phd of Sport Management of Shomal University, Iran

3 MA of Sport Management of Payam Noor, Iran


Purpose: The present research was carried out to investigate the conditions for sustainable sports development in Iranian football clubs. Methods: current research method is qualitative-adaptive type, and in terms of approach, it was done with Boolean algebra. Sampling in this research was done purposefully. The criterion of this sampling was to have high indicators of sustainable development.
Method : The method of data collection was documentary. Therefore, the conditions under consideration and the events targeted for sustainable development in the Commonwealth of Nations, Japan, the International Olympic Committee, and Iran were selected and compiled. In research with the Boolean algebra approach, validity and reliability are examined during the research stages. The reliability and validity of the research were confirmed through data reduction, calibration, and experts in form and content.
Results: The results of the research explored 19 necessary events in the four necessary conditions for the realization of sustainable sports development in football clubs. Also, 10 events were reported in four sufficient conditions for the realization of sustainable sports development. Finally, the final formula for combining and separating the necessary and sufficient conditions for sustainable sports development was presented in the form of Boolean algebra.
Conclusion: Because these results are novel, they are a suitable platform for conducting other qualitative and quantitative research. Also, according to the results of the research, it is possible to plan, organize and evaluate the sustainable sports development program in Iran.


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