Providing scenarios for the development of professional sports in Iraq

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Sports Management, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Isfahan (Khorasgan)Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran

2 Department of physical education and sport science, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Babel Branch, Babel, Iraq

4 Department of Physical Education, Islamic Azad University, Mobarakeh Branch, Isfahan, Iran


Purpose: The development of professional sports is a primary concern for nations as they aim to improve elite performance and provide opportunities for collective participation, so the purpose of the present study is to generate scenarios for the development of professional sports in Iraq. Methods: Based on purposeful and snowball sampling, theoretical saturation was achieved through 25 interviews. The data collected were then coded and summarized with the Nvivo software and a focus group. Using scenario wizard software and expert opinions, the interplay between these factors was discussed and synthesized. Results: The coding of the interviews and the input from the focus group led to the identification of 10 trends and 30 drivers. Further analysis with the help of an expert focus group revealed 6 key drivers (Creating a national strategy for hosting major sporting events, Gender justice and a supportive view of women's sports, Involvement of key stakeholders, Meritocracy and meritocratic system, Standard guidelines for financial support of professional athletes in terms of contract and reward system and Standardization of equipment and facilities of professional clubs), each with 3 uncertainties. Conclusion: The findings of the current study suggest that, given the unstable security conditions that currently prevail in Iraq, the country must prioritize security and executive stability, as well as work towards greater social acceptance of women and the development of sports infrastructure. Additionally, standard guidelines for financial support and contracts must be put in place, and sports hardware must be improved to support key stakeholders and promote meritocracy.
