Comparison of the Refereeing Structure of Iranian football and selected Asian, Oceanic and European continents

Document Type : Original Article


1 Allameh Tabatabaei University

2 Associate Professor, Department of Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Faculty of physical education and sport sciences, Tehran, Iran.



Purpose: Investigate the refereeing structure of professional football in selected countries of the Asian and Oceania continents and to compare it with Iran.

Methods: descriptive-analytical research method is based on comparative approach. Australia from the Oceania and Japan from Asia were selected in a purposeful way and based on having a higher professional league level and a lead in the respective continent according to their geographical location as the matching location. The information has been collected through library documents, websites, scientific articles and evidence and has been described, interpreted, juxtaposition and compared in the form of Beredy's model.

Results: The findings showed that Iran pays the lowest and Australia the highest salary to its referees. All countries have set a minimum age for becoming a referee. The highest number of Premier League teams is Japan with 18 and the lowest is Australia with 12 teams. Japan has the most experienced referees with 40.81 and Australia has the youngest referees with 35.91. Iran has the least number of referees and assistant referees with 22 and Australia has the highest number of international referees with 34. Also, the findings show that Japan has the most (three) professional leagues. Iran has the highest number of judges (32) with 16 teams.

Conclusion: It is necessary to use the successful experience of the selected countries and model them appropriately by those involved in the field of refereeing in order to move in the direction of progress and becoming professional in the refereeing of the country.
