Finding complications in the supply chain of sports equipment stores in Mash'had city

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Business Administration, Marketing Hakim Tous Higher Education Institute Mashhad Iran

2 Master of Sports Management Faculty of Sport Sciences Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Mashhad Iran



The purpose of this research was to find complications in the supply chain of sports equipment stores in Mash'had city. The current research is based on the purpose of the type of applied research and based on the nature, it is of the type of qualitative research and based on the method of data collection, it is a descriptive-survey type of research. The statistical population of this research was made up of experts in the field of sports shoes and sports marketing, managers of sports stores and professors and faculty members of the field of sports management and researchers. The sample was selected. The tool used to collect information was a semi-structured interview, which was analyzed by thematic analysis. After the analysis of the interviews, the categories that make up the supply chain of sports shoes were identified, and the model obtained consists of eight categories, including logistics, government support, supply chain, sales, human power, production cooperative, raw materials and production. Based on the research results, in the field of supply chain, it is possible to create a production cooperative and invite different producers to cooperate, with this structure and giving it a legal form, it is possible to benefit from the government's support in this field and by creating a collection Regularly, as a logistics process, the raw materials reach the production stage, and finally the manufactured sports shoes are sold.
