Factors Influencing The Development Of Organizational Sports (Case Study: Sari Municipality)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, Amin Police University.

2 Senior expert in sports management, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran

3 Department of Physical Education, Adib Mazandaran Institute of Higher Education

4 Department of Physical Education, Damavand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damavand, Iran


Purpose: Considering the importance of sports in today's era and the necessity to use it by organizational employees; the current research was conducted to identify the effective factors on the development of sports in Sari Municipality. Method: The current research is qualitative in terms of approach and the directional content analysis method was being applied. The statistical population contained 15 people relating to the subject, including university faculty members in the sport management department, senior municipal managers, and senior sport managers. The purposeful sampling method was judgmental and the data collection tool was semi-structured interview. Results: Factors affecting the development of organizational sports include: 6 main categories and 12 subcategories; structural dimensions (development of facilities and financial dimensions), social dimensions (individual and group dimensions), normative dimensions (monitoring and review, legal requirements), educational platforms (educational and informational dimensions), managerial dimensions (strategic and motivational dimensions), and communicative dimensions (sports interactions and media activities). Conclusion: Therefore, it is of utmost importance for the senior managers of the municipality to exert the results obtained in this research on factors such as: standards of constructing and equipping sport facilities, not depending solely on the organizational government budget in relation to sports, the use of expert sport coaches and managers in the organization, and holding sport Olympiads for employees and considering prizes for them.


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