Analysis of the Relationship Between Dimensions and Indicators of Web Marketing; Iran and Spain Football Clubs Target Market

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student of Sports Management, Islamic Azad University,Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Isfahan, Iran

2 AssistantProfessor of Sports Management, Islamic Azad University,Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Isfahan, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Sports Management, Islamic Azad University,Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Isfahan, Iran


Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to review and compare web marketing, identify its dimensions and indicators and compare it in Iranian and Spanish football clubs in the target market.
Methods: The present research is applied in terms of research purpose and in terms of research topic and questions is a comparative analytical research that was conducted as a survey. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire that was designed using the information of professional club websites and approved by 10 expert professors, also Based on Cronbach's alpha, reliability was reported to be 0.89. After fuzzy Delphi and index screening, MICMAC analysis was used to identify index relationships.
Results: Based on the results obtained from the map, the direct effects of a number of indicators such as, the use of advertisements on the club's website to attract new national sponsors have even highlighted sponsors) and (the club's extensive advertisement on the website for Attracting new sponsors was placed in an independent matrix. This means that these variables have low dependence and high conductivity. Virtual survey of fans about the strengths and weaknesses of the. This means that these factors have high dependency and high driving power, the possibility of communicating with team members on the club's website.
Conclusion: So it is necessary to know how much the impact of the Internet can be effective in the growth of the club and the players due to the use of 70% of the fans. Or the club to what extent they have an impact.


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