Codification Model of Sport Tourism in Isfahan Based on the Sustainable Development Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 1. Ph.D. Candidate in Sport Management, Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.

2 2. Assistant Professor in Sport Management, Farhangian University, Isfahan, Iran (Corresponding Author:

3 Associate Professor, Department of Sports Management, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Isfahan(Khorasgan)branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.


Purpose: Today sport tourism is one of the largest industry, which have been known as one of the most amazing modern service industries. The present study is a survey in terms of purpose and the method of data collection is field type.

Methods: Delphi technique was used to prepare the questionnaire, therefore, the researcher-made questionnaire was based on the dimensions of sports tourism. In this study, descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used to analyze the statistical information of the findings in two separate sections. In the statistical description of the subjects through statistical characteristics such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation according to the preparation of the questionnaire was used and in the inferential part of the confirmatory factor analysis method (CFA) to identify important factors in sports tourism. Moreover, to examine the interactive effect of population characteristics OV Cognitive multivariate analysis of variance MANOVA was used.

Results: For the means of establishing the relationship between dependent and independent variables and models Amos was used to measure the fit of the model and to design the model and examine the main purpose of modeling. As well, structural equations (SEM) were used to create a basis for comparing the opinions of experts with sports tourists.

Conclusion: As a result, it can be said that any economic activity in the tourism industry, destinations must have a thorough knowledge of the market they face and the audience and products and has analyzed its tourism market.
